
Breakbot – Easy Fraction

A few weeks ago I stumbled across an older Breakbot track I had never heard. And let me start by saying Breakbot, the French Producer/DJ, is the real deal. He has been at it for sometime and influenced by the l...

Youandewan – 93

Original and refreshing spin on the sample also featured in "93 Til Infitinty" by Souls Of Mischief. Youandewan delivers a dance tune that openly mixes a hip-hop inspired sample into house music. The space and ...

Thrupence – Don’t You Mind

The Australia based beatsmith Thrupence has an album due out September 28th on Future Classics. Just about anything Future Classics touch is gold, so you know this is quality stuff. Thrupence is the solo projec...

Rakunk – Kalalau

This song is epic! Post-Rock at its finest. Rakunk articulately constructs an upbeat guitar riff that will win over anyone with ears and a heart. Even though this song has no bass and no drum section, it is sti...

The Blue Boy – Remember Me

Just as my parents generation has smooth jazz, my generation will always have hip-hop. Both riddled out of tradition and hardship, it bay be easier to draw similarities between the two genres than one would exp...

Brandon* – Moon Walker

Mellow hip-hop instrumental here courtesy of Brandon*. The song has a crisp beat with smooth laid back keys that really hold it all together. The vocal sample adds a nice edge and acts as the fill to the rhythm...