A future-bass delight with nostalgic melodies and an atmospheric timbre, French duo Komory just delivered their nostalgic new indie-electronic ballad "Secrets." The follow-up single to "Complicated," the tande...
Stevie Perry and Jake Randle are The Yves. The LA-based duo's first single since their debut EP "Say You're in Love" is a dream-pop paragon steeped in nostalgia.
Graced by enchanting instrumentals characte...
UK-based producer Bondax makes club music for introverts. His animated tempos and charismatic soundscapes are often confronted by sympathetic melodies that both relax and rejuvenate.
Bondax's latest single...
Hope Sandoval? Liz Fraser? Caroline Loveglow will do you one better. Arriving at the intersection of shoegaze and electronica, dream-pop's newest femme fatale Caroline Loveglow brings a revived edge to the gen...