Halon is a San Diego based House and Techno DJ and producer. After a decade-long hiatus, Halon has released a dance floor ready remix of Groovy Kaiju’s single “ Don’t Play No Games”.

The original track was taken from Future Funk to Nu-Disco. Since the two genres that rely heavily on the sounds of the 70s and the 80s, the groove didn’t get lost in translation. The remix features breezy synths, a funky bassline, and a defined beat that’s all set to start the party. 

As close friends, both Halon and Groovy Kaiju have come out of hiatus with this single. There’s no better way of making a comeback than making a unique track. 

Listen to Halon’s remix of “Don’t Play No Games” here:

[soundcloud url=”https://soundcloud.com/groovy-godzilla/dont-play-no-games-feat-halon-halon-remix” params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]