On the heels of Kwabs September release “Love + War” comes a Tom Misch refix of one of the stand out tracks, “Cheating on Me”. Featuring the original vocals from Zak Abel, Misch is able to add so many elements to the stripped down ballad. Kwabs had this to say about the chance to work with Tom Misch on the refix:


“It was an honour to work with Zak and Tom on this new version of Cheating On Me – they’re two of the most talented people I’ve come to know.” Zak Abel agrees, “What a huge honour it was being a part of this. I recorded this standing next to Kwabs in a tiny vocal booth in Brixton; I thought it was pretty cool that he came down for the day to add the vibes with me and Tom Misch. I really wanted to get it right as Cheating On Me has always felt like such an important, honest, and real song.”


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